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MelaninWhiteCoats Podcast

Welcome to MelaninWhiteCoats Podcast where we entertain and enlighten you on topics relating to society, medicine and culture. We explore the world of everything FOR US, BY US and REPRESENTED BY US. This podcast explores in what ways we can elevate ourselves as individuals and in our communities so that we can achieve universal liberation from the systems in place that attempt to restrict us. Tune in with us as we continuously challenge the status quo and emerge from the ashes as curator, innovators and creatives of the world we want to see and BE!

Sep 3, 2020

On this episode, Dr. Ekpo, a hair transplant specialist and dermatologist talks about how to maintain healthy hair particularly in communities of color. We dispel some of the myth as it pertains to hair growth and how hair loss is irrevocably connected to your psychological and physical state. We discuss some of the more common dermatologic diseases which affect black people such as CCA ( central centrifugal cicatrical alopecia) and how hair loss can occur from two general processes, scarring vs non-scarring. We answer the question of are relaxers and perming safe? How often do you need to shampoo? Are natural shampoo and hair products better than non-natural hair products? How has hair transplantation become a commonality and the future it holds for hair restoration in the field of dermatology. Tune in for that and more! 

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